High Level
I’m a thinker
My mind loves to travel deep into the weeds, into subjects like purpose, fulfillment and the meaning of life
My goal is to one day be paid for my thoughts
I’m fixated on the idea of Risk
I’m unconventional and non-conforming
I don’t follow rules
I don’t follow the script
I don’t have a “real job”
I haven’t had one in a long time
Nor do I see one in my future
I’m fucking happy
I’m way happier than most humans I know
This is my addiction. Better than cocaine or any drug out there…
I’m addicted.
Footing is riding the edge, at the exact place where success meets failure. Nowhere in my life have the two been so closely contained in a single moment. One toe out of place means failure, but if all goes right, an exhilarating and empowering experience.
There is nothing like skimming across the water on my bare feet.
Especially as on a glassy day, as the sun is starting to peek over the horizon.
I’m good by some standards, but a novice by many others. The sky is the limit to where I might go and what I might learn.
Of all the ways life has molded me, travel has single handedly been the most impactful. Travel has taught me about who I am and how the world works. It’s challenged what I believe. It’s given me tools and skills. A month on the road feels like living a year at home. I wouldn’t trade my travels for anything.
I’ve seen more of the US and the world than most people.
I love talking travel…whether trading stories or sharing advice.
Among others, here are some of my bigger trips:
Southeast Asia: I spent seven weeks backpacking…this is where the spark turned into a flame. Travel became a fixture in my life…nay, a part of who I am. Seven weeks is a long time, and Asian culture was jarring, humbling and awesome. I visited Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Dubai.
Mexico: I spent a few weeks checking out Tequila, Mexico City and Oaxaca.
USA: a casual 31 days and 5,000 miles on the motorcycle zipping around the West.
Egypt: checked out the history of the Egyptians in Cairo, Luxor and Aswan. Of course, some diving in Hurghada and both diving and hiking in the Sinai Peninsula.
Italy: visiting Milano, Florence, Venice and the Dolomites. Naturally, I rented a moto to travel around Tuscany.
Chile & Argentina: this was my first time really traveling (more than Canada or resorts in Mexico). A friend and I backpacked in Patagonia and visited Buenos Aires.
Colombia: I checked out Bogotá, Medellín, Cartagena and the island life of Providencia. Columbia gets a bad wrap. Don’t listen to what people tell you about it.
The Netherlands: I visited Amsterdam and took a motorcycle trip around the entire country.
Brazil: a friend and I spent a month in Rio, São Paulo, Salvador and living the beach life in Jericoacoara.
Mexico: just a quick trip to go swim with whale sharks.
USA: I rode the motorcycle all the way down to Mexico, then through West Texas and New Mexico.
Switzerland: the boys and I went skiing in the Alps.
Portugal: I lived in Porto for a month, traveled up into Basque Spain and France, then went south and lived in the Algarve for a few weeks.
Amsterdam: the family and I went and saw the tulips. Let me tell you, they’re fricken pretty!
Turkey: stay tuned.
Next to travel, reading has been the most impactful part of my life. I learned to love reading as a child. I read voraciously. Then, when I got to high school and for the many years following, I fell away from reading. (I blame the “system” for squashing the desire. Being forced to read “literature” and study textbooks left a bad taste in my mouth.) Thank goodness I found my way back to books.
Which are my favorites? That’s a hard question to answer.
Many books have something to offer. Many are most helpful when I’m feeling a certain way or thinking a certain thought. The “best book” changes on the regular.
Maybe the better question: which books do I most often re-read? They'd be:
Journey of Souls
Wherever You Go, There You Are
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Lila (If I was allowed one book to read for the rest of my life, this is the one.)
The Kybalion
The Traveler's Gift
Finite and Infinite Games
New Man Emerging