I believe the world is too beautiful to be an accident
I believe that somewhere, underneath it all, there must exist a structure, purpose or meaning to everything
I believe that humans can touch upon this depth and truth
However, I also believe that humans cannot comprehend this depth
These are matters of the heart, not head
These are matters of feeling, not comprehension
Like these answers are fit for deity, not humanity
I believe that the attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible is the most dangerous of affairs
We can in fact fly too close to the Sun
And when we do, an ill-fate awaits us
I believe humans should be more content with their lot
With their capabilities
With their incapabilities
A Brighter Future
I believe life always work out
I believe people are good
I believe humanity is waking up
I believe in a better and brighter future
I believe that for each of us, a more meaningful life exists
I believe that individuals who live out there meaning make their mark on this world
I believe that many such marks leaves our collective world a much better place
Humanity's Problem
I believe that many people are lonely, craving connection
I believe that too often, as people look towards life, they overstate potential risk and understate potential reward
I believe this leads people to choosing the “safe bet”
I believe the “safe bet” is the most dangerous bet
I believe that the “safe bet” leads to average. It leads to good, never great.
I believe the “safe bet” is one of the greatest travesties in human history
Human potential is being squandered because we’re conditioned to live in fear
A Solution
I believe these problems are not permanent
I believe our individual futures are yet unwritten
I believe there is another path to travel (actually, I believe there are MANY paths to travel)
I believe that we each deserve a deep and meaningful life
I believe that we’re each capable of a deep and meaningful life
If depth and meaning is the promised land, I believe I’ve found a way to get there